c.1960 Hayashi, Consolidated Freightways Double Van Tractor Trailer Truck in Original Box

c.1960 Hayashi, Consolidated Freightways Double Van Tractor Trailer Truck in Original Box

Outstanding four piece, tin litho friction drive, double van tractor trailer truck complete with original box. Although neither the toy, or the truck are marked with the manufacturer's name, I believe it was produced by Hayashi, Japan. 

Beautifully and accurately lithographed truck modeled after the actual White Consolidated Freightways tandem tractor trailer truck produced during the early 1960's. Features bright green square cab with cherry red chassis and spring activated trailer hitch. Detailed bench seat interior with plastic steering wheel, dual celluloid windshields up front framed in chrome. Large side window frames, front grill, headlights, embossed hub caps, and bumper are also all chrome plated.

Accurately rendered "White Freightliner" logo lithoed on separately attached black metal oval just below the windshield. Accurate "CF" decals on both passenger and driver doors. The cab alone has 6 vinyl tires. The long black exhaust stack is tin litho, not rubber.

The tandem tractor trailer van sections are identical. Box style trailers with reinforced edges and "ribbed" embossed sides. Accurately rendered "Consolidated Freightways" decal logos on both sides and rear. The two rear doors are hinged and connected. A drop down latch locks both. A long chrome rod handle extends down from the right door. Pulling it will open them both. Each is also marked "Made in Japan". 

Each trailer has two pair of rear tires attached to a cherry red axle. They also have a drop down pair of solid rubber parking tires which look were extended down only once. The circular hitching peg is tabbed from the inside. 

The fourth piece of the set is a separate spring activated hitch with two pairs of double tires. It connects to the rear of the first van. The second trailer then connects to it. 

The original box features an attractive color illustration of two tandems backed into a loading platform. The big city looms in the back ground. Simple line illustrations of the vehicle along with several Consolidated logo's appear on the side panels. It's complete with the original inserts.

Size: Cab 5½" long, Trailers 8" x 3¾" (21" assembled), Separate hitch 3¾".

Sold: Jul. 2005

Price Sold: $ 253


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